Talent Management Blog for HR Managers

How to Optimise your Candidate Experience with TalentGO

Written by Lumenii Talent Partners | Feb 10, 2021 10:52:50 AM

Candidate experience is the collection of all the perceptions that job applicants have of your organisation. Is it seen as a great place to work? Does top talent compete for available roles? These perceptions are formed by candidates as they interact with your organisation during the selection process, including interviews and assessments.

However, in every selection scenario there is ultimately one person who gets the job. All the other candidates receive a negative response from your organisation. How do you ensure that these candidates maintain positive feelings about your organisation, despite being rejected?

To provide candidates with positive insights into their own talents, regardless of whether they are suited to the position or not, you can offer them the TalentGO as a 'gift' during the selection assessment. This allows all candidates to walk away from the often-stressful assessment situation with valuable information into their talents and how to use them in practice.

More Insight into the Candidates Personal Strengths

The Talent GO is a strength-based report that provides the candidate with immediate insight into their own personal strengths, regardless of the position. It also explains how the candidate can use these talents and asks specific questions for reflection and possible development. A value-add to help the candidate think about what suits them and their natural talents.


Win-Win for both Candidate and Potential Employer

The benefit for candidates is evident: more insight and an overview of their talents. They receive a clear tool to help them reflect on what they are good at, ideal for being better prepared for a selection interview. In addition, your organisation creates a positive brand experience. Ensuring that a rejected candidate still feels positive is an art.

And who knows, your rejected candidate might eventually join you as a new employee in a different position!