Our latest live panel discussion takes place on 21 July 2022 at 11h00 and is free to attend. Find out more about the topic, the expert speakers and where you can submit your questions for the Q&A.
South African and global research shows that almost all organisations recognise the need to plan for the future and reduce talent risks. However, only a small percentage feel they are addressing succession effectively. It’s clear that succession is high on the agenda but that getting started - and maintaining momentum - is not always easy.
In our live panel discussion, Lumenii and the panel of experts will share their do’s, don’ts and lessons learnt when rolling out succession. The goal of the webinar is to share practical advice on how prominent South African organisations have recognised the need for and implemented effective, structured succession planning, with a focus on the following themes:
How to build a business case for succession
How organisations can get succession planning right (or wrong)
First-hand experiences of running effective succession programmes
The impact of succession on development and performance
How to apply succession to build more resilient organisations
The live panel discussion will be hosted on Zoom; attendees will receive an email after signing up with their personalised link. After the webinar, delegates will receive additional information on how to build more resilient organisations via succession planning, including all webinar resources and a summary of key outcomes.
Lumenii Director and Organisational Psychologist, Jaintheran Naidoo, will facilitate the session and share his own experiences with delivering on structured succession planning programmes for local and international organisations. He will be joined by Ashnie Muthusamy from Sun International, Ravi Reddy from the South African National Blood Service, and Linda Roos from ooba.
Delegates are invited to check their Succession Readiness before the discussion to see where they stand. The readiness checklist can be completed online or downloaded as a PDF.